SLIMMER INNER THIGHS in 14 days (lose thigh fat) | 10 min Home Workout

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33 commenti

  1. I’m going to do this workout for 14 days!
    [Started May 28]
    {May 28} Day 1: ✅
    {May 29} Day 2: ✅ (It burned more today ????)
    {May 30} Day 3: ✅
    {May 31} Day 4: ✅ (The burn really kicks in with the last squat exercise)

  2. Doing it till a big gap!
    Btw I go up and down multiple stairs everyday for school and at home

    Day 1 : done it burned slightly since I haven’t really been active.
    Day 2: didn’t do it wasn’t feeling well,will probably do it twice tomorrow.
    Day 3: done it some part burned but it was chill. Was eating a sour candy and watching a movie.

  3. doing it every day for a month ???? Also doing a calorie deficit and her summer leg shred workout ????????????
    Current thighs: 24 in || Goal: 18-20 in
    Day 1: ✅ inner thighs were on fire even the top of my thighs were burning????
    Day 2: ❌ couldn't do it, was out all day and my legs still hurt ????????
    Day 3: ✅ actively in pain rn ????
    Day 4: ❌ really struggled with balancing school and this
    Day 5: ✅ in painnnnn but i do feel like my legs are getting thinner. only a little tho ????

  4. hi! i was doing another lilly sabri inner thigh workout, and discovered this one, so for now on, i will do this until i see my desired results!
    ✅ = workout completed for that day
    ❌ = workout not completed for that day
    day 1 (may 24): ✅ – i finished the workout, and i felt a little burn!
    day 2 (may 25): ✅ – when i woke up today, i really felt the burn from yesterday!
    day 3 (may 26): ❌ – i was really tired lol
    day 4 (may 27): ✅ – i did the workout twice because i didn’t do it yesterday ???? (i felt a little burn ????)
    day 5 (may 28): ✅ – i did this workout in the morning, so i was super tired lol
    day 6 (may 29): ❌ – i was busy with my homework
    day 7 (may 30): ❌ – i honestly don’t even know why i didn’t to the workout lol
    day 8 (may 31): ❌ – i was tired (maybe i forgot ????)
    day 9 (june 1): ✅ – i did and i felt a burn (i will try to do this more consistently so i get my results faster)

  5. I'll do this workout for 14 days.
    I've always been insecure with my inner thighs. And every time I walk or do any other exercise they brush together and it makes so bad ???? so I hope this works. This isn't the first time I'm trying a inner thighs workout, and I'm with hope for this one.

    Day 1: ♥︎ done! The floor exercises were the hardest one for me, but it was easier than I thought, it burns like CRAZYYY! See ya tomorrow for day two!
    Day 2: ♥︎ done! It seemed more intense than yesterday yet easier. I looove the burn on the last exercise. Feeling so good! See ya tomorrow for day three!
    Day 3: ♡ couldn't do ???? I had to do something important and couldn't leave it for another time.
    Day 4: ♡ couldn't do again ???????????? another important thing I had to do, hope I'll be able to do it tomorrow.
    Day 5: ♥︎ done! It seemed even more hard today, it's monday so I'll try to do it until the end of the week, she ya tomorrow!
    Day 6: ♥︎ done! Way easier than the yesterday but the burn is still here. One more day for a week! See ya tomorrow!
    Day 7:

    Week 1 complete!

    Day 8:
    Day 9:
    Day 10:
    Day 11:
    Day 12:
    Day 13:
    Day 14 (LAST DAY!!):

  6. Day 1: Little to no thigh gap – Done, burned but went away once I sat down
    Day 2: Done, burned even more ????
    Day 3:
    Day 4:
    Day 5:
    Day 6:
    Day 7:
    Day 8:
    Day 9:
    Day 10:
    Day 11:
    Day 12:
    Day 13:
    Day 14:

  7. Doing this for 2 weeks!
    Day 1: complete
    Day 2: complete
    Day 3: complete
    Day 4: complete
    Day 5: complete
    Day 6: complete
    Day 7: complete

    — Day 7 results: not seeing any change yet but I am definitely feeling it. My stamina is up, my body feels healthier. Reminder to accompany this with healthy eating! Bananas are good for this. —

    Day 8: complete
    Day 9: complete, with my cat supervising
    Day 10: complete
    Day 11: complete, was so hard doing it on an empty stomach…
    Day 12: complete, started Lilly's intense inner thigh workout
    Day 13: complete…so close!
    Day 14: complete

    — Day 14 results: So far, there's not been many changes. I do this twice a day with 30mins of bike machine and Lilly's intense thighs exercise. That being said I can feel things changing, so I'm going to continue it and document for a few months. —

  8. Summer is knocking so let’s go..
    Day 1: ✅ did it pretty easily, def felt the burn! Loved the experience (and the thought of my future thighs????????)
    Day 2:❌ felt real bad..hardly could walk (i had a lil injury on my knee so guess that’s why)


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